0917-1797723 - Ms. Ana
Copy of 2 valid IDs of the owner whose name appears as the legal and legitimate owner of the property that is being pawned. Otherwise, in case the property is on a deed of sale status due to fact that it was bought from a previous owner, then a copy of the deed of sale with 2 valid primary IDs of previous owner will be required.
If the loan borrower is not currently living in the address where the property to pawn is, then a different electric bill is required where the current residence of the loan borrower is residing.
This is the title itself. Loan borrower must provide any attachments to the title. If there are annotation pages, then this must also be submitted along with the previous page(s).
You can get a copy of this document from the office of the Land Registration Authority (LRA) or Registry of Deeds. These offices are usually located in City Halls of your respective LGU.
You can also get this document in the same LGU office mentioned above... If you only have a lot, then no need to provide building tax declaration.
As per my personal assistance experience, a property that costs 4M - 7M may only need you to pay for Php 150 pesos for the building tax declaration of a condo type property. The purpose of this is just to give you an estimate idea in figure. The lot may have a different value.
If you have a house and lot, then you need to submit both tax declarations for the lot and the building or structure to our office.
You can get this also from the Registry of Deed office.
If your property taxes are paid and updated, then you can get a clearance from the same department as mentioned above. If your taxes are not paid up to the recent year, then you have to pay it first to get a copy of this requirement for your loan application.
If your property is a condo, you just need to submit the brochure but if you have a house and lot, then you need to secure a copy of the vicinity map.
A 1 year solid and with balance incoming and outgoing bank statement is very important. This is for the lending company to determine and established income of the loan borrower. Also, this document will help you qualify for the diminishing interest program.
The picture must be clear and it must feature the right of way clearly including the front appearance and side appearance as well as the inside aesthetics of the actual house, condo or lot property to be sued as collateral.
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